Longarm quilting and snippets of my life

Posts tagged ‘table runner’

I’m still here

I know it’s been a while since I’ve blogged. I was busy most of the summer preparing for and hiking across Oregon with my husband. We had a wonderful time. It was an experience I’ll cherish. If your interested, you can check out my hiking blog here http://hittingthetrail.wordpress.com
Lately I’ve been trying to finish some quilts that were in various stages. I finished piecing this one


I’m not sure if I like it. The pattern was easy enough, but it just doesn’t excite me.

I finished piecing this one. I didn’t have a pattern so I was just winging it. I think it looks like spinning wheels.


I’ve actually got it all together and the backing pieced, it’s ready to be quilted. It turned out different than I had in my mind, but I really like it. I’ve got myself on my quilting schedule so I can get it quilted. I’m not sure how I’m going to quilt it yet, but something will come to me. More than likely it’ll be an all over design. It’s pretty busy, wouldn’t you say.
I even made my first table runner. I’ve been quilting for about 10 years and I’ve never made one.


The pattern was from this book.


You can see all the little flags marking future projects. It was fun to make something small that didn’t take a bunch of time and fabric. I made this with scraps I had in my cupboard.
Today I’m quilting a Quilt of Valor quilt. I’ve been quilting for that organization for 8 or 9 years. I’ve been paired with a wonderful quilter who pieces the tops. Then I quilt them and she gets them to their destination. We make a good team.
I’d better get to work!